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Monday, 29 June 2020

What Magazine?

What magazine?

When I was in my teens one of the ways that I learned to read and learn things was though reading books and magassines.

Now that I am in my last 30’s books and reading magazines appears to be a thing of the past due to the Internet.

Now that the internet is around how many people still read a paper back book?

Now many people still read a paper?

Now many people read a magazine?

Now that I am a mother of three small children I have chosen to not allow them to much access to the internet and have taught them about reading books.

I am glad that this is something that schools also support buy teaching children about the written word and to not get stare at a computer screen also to access information about the world.

So now I am in my 30’s I still have almost every book that I have even purchased and I still love to but books. I also have almost every magazine that I have bought too.

You use to Albee to donate reading material to places like GP waiting rooms but now due to Covid 19 and other hygiene reasons you can not.

We also live in a world where everyone seems to have a mobile phone and therefore reading books or magazines is no longer “second nature.”

So what do I do with all of my reading material in the future?

My plan is to list all of my books with Good Read and my Magazines on line to sell.

What would you do?

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