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Friday, 5 June 2020

Used ladies underwear for sale

Since the Outbreak of covid-19 there are certain things that obviously due to health and safety of the general public that you will not currently be able to purchase.

One of these things is going to be personal garments that people wear such as ladies used lingerie.

Before the Outbreak of covid-19 that was a number of different websites including charities that would have been more than happy to have taken ladies lingerie in order to resell or for private collectors who like collecting ladies lingerie.

Before covid-19 this was something that I was looking at doing myself personally either through a legitimate website that was already up and running or as a side line through my own website which I am still currently working on.

Although you can actually sell lingerie through Amazon and also through eBay you are not allowed to sell it if it has been pre worn it is something that they frown upon.

So what I am planning on doing due to having so much lingerie that now no longer fits me since becoming a mother is I am looking at selling this lingerie but I will do so through my own website once it is up and running.

I know with certain websites when used ladies lingerie is sold and purchased it is just recently been worn and therefore is not washed before sale.

This is something that I believe some of the buyers are interested in which is one of the reasons why pre used ladies lingerie has been sold in the past.

Therefore what I am currently doing at the moment is sorting out all of my lingerie that I will be looking at selling in the near future probably around Christmas time.

Until then what I shall do is make sure that everything is nice clean and crisp photographed and properly packaged for dispatch later on in the year.

If anyone is interested in purchasing these items then please feel free to contact me via my my blog The Painted Veil this will be the only way at this moment in time that any orders are going to be able to be taken and also placed at this moment in time.

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