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Monday, 29 June 2020

What Magazine?

What magazine?

When I was in my teens one of the ways that I learned to read and learn things was though reading books and magassines.

Now that I am in my last 30’s books and reading magazines appears to be a thing of the past due to the Internet.

Now that the internet is around how many people still read a paper back book?

Now many people still read a paper?

Now many people read a magazine?

Now that I am a mother of three small children I have chosen to not allow them to much access to the internet and have taught them about reading books.

I am glad that this is something that schools also support buy teaching children about the written word and to not get stare at a computer screen also to access information about the world.

So now I am in my 30’s I still have almost every book that I have even purchased and I still love to but books. I also have almost every magazine that I have bought too.

You use to Albee to donate reading material to places like GP waiting rooms but now due to Covid 19 and other hygiene reasons you can not.

We also live in a world where everyone seems to have a mobile phone and therefore reading books or magazines is no longer “second nature.”

So what do I do with all of my reading material in the future?

My plan is to list all of my books with Good Read and my Magazines on line to sell.

What would you do?


If you have been laid off from work or have no work due to being on a zero hour contract then please check to see if you can claim Healthy Start Vouchers to buy fruit and vegetables for your children.

With your kids being out of school then you may be able to get a bit more financial support via the Pupil Premium scheme.

If you have been laid off from work or have no work due to being on a zero hour contract then please check to see if you can claim Healthy Start Vouchers to buy fruit and vegetables for your children.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Lost and Renewed Skills of the 21st Century. 

Lost and Renewed Skills of the 21st Century. 

Is a Facebook Page that I set up Lost and Renewed Skills of the 21st Century.   On Facebook sometime due to so many people looking at bringing back lost and renewed skills to society.

In today's society we appear to live in a world that where the mind set is to be a throw away culture and most items are single use.

Due to the fast pace of life that we all live now we never really have time to stop and focus on what it important.

Over the last 11 weeks with the lock down due to Covid 19 a lot of things have changed.

In some ways time as come to a stop and so as any real future plans that people have made.

At this moment in time we all seam to be living for the here and now.

But where do we go from here?

When we are not living from day to day and from the here and now?

When I think about this there are a few things that I think about and that is the song "where do I from  here?"  and the film "Up I the Air."

At the moment a lot of things have changed and few have lost almost a whole generation of people that still may have had skills that could have been passed on to the younger generations.

All of the stories that would have been lost and the practical skills which is one of the reasons why I set up this group.

No one can ever really know when they die but what you chose to do with your life can make a difference to those around you.

I would not like any one to live each day like it was their last of plan to far a head into the future.

But I so believe that some kind of plan or legacy that you may wish to one day leave behind is important.

When we are younger we are encouraged to plant our future and a school they ask you to write things down like where do you see your self in five years time.?

When I was younger I thought I know everything but now I know that I know very little.

If any one was to ask me that question now I would say "Alive."

The I think of the film "Spanglish."

So now I live my life and I live it for my children.

So what do you live your life for??

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Ireland's forgotten mixed-race child abuse victims

Cake Soap.... Skin Bleaching in Jamaica (Full Documentary)

AXE Peace | Call to Arms (Official Extended Cut)

#Alllivesmatter! Human Trafficking Film 2005

WTF Happened to JOHNNY DEPP?

Adore (Official Trailer)

What Happened To The Children of the Thalidomide Epidemic? | No Limits |...

Human Zoos: America's Forgotten History of Scientific Racism


How well do you know the history of  your country.?

Friday, 5 June 2020

Used ladies underwear for sale

Since the Outbreak of covid-19 there are certain things that obviously due to health and safety of the general public that you will not currently be able to purchase.

One of these things is going to be personal garments that people wear such as ladies used lingerie.

Before the Outbreak of covid-19 that was a number of different websites including charities that would have been more than happy to have taken ladies lingerie in order to resell or for private collectors who like collecting ladies lingerie.

Before covid-19 this was something that I was looking at doing myself personally either through a legitimate website that was already up and running or as a side line through my own website which I am still currently working on.

Although you can actually sell lingerie through Amazon and also through eBay you are not allowed to sell it if it has been pre worn it is something that they frown upon.

So what I am planning on doing due to having so much lingerie that now no longer fits me since becoming a mother is I am looking at selling this lingerie but I will do so through my own website once it is up and running.

I know with certain websites when used ladies lingerie is sold and purchased it is just recently been worn and therefore is not washed before sale.

This is something that I believe some of the buyers are interested in which is one of the reasons why pre used ladies lingerie has been sold in the past.

Therefore what I am currently doing at the moment is sorting out all of my lingerie that I will be looking at selling in the near future probably around Christmas time.

Until then what I shall do is make sure that everything is nice clean and crisp photographed and properly packaged for dispatch later on in the year.

If anyone is interested in purchasing these items then please feel free to contact me via my my blog The Painted Veil this will be the only way at this moment in time that any orders are going to be able to be taken and also placed at this moment in time.