Thing are not always what they seam in life and I want this blog to be about this. How "you should believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see"
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How that I am almost 35, I have been thinking about how much I loved childrens cartoons during my childhood.
Thursday, 30 September 2021
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Making prototype(s), How long? How much? Septembers 2021
Making prototype(s), How long? How much? Septembers 2021
Making prototype(s)
One of the things that I love doing is trying new things, although now that I am older I do not do that much now.
I also loved taking things a part to see how they are made and to see if I could make them better.
I love making prototypes of items that I am thinking of making one day and doing reviews on products when I can.
At he moment I am designing a children game for my sister to try out for 10 children under 5.
So we will see what happens and what feed back I can get from it.
How long?
Over the past few weeks I have been looking at getting back into art and seeing how long artwork will take to produce and then hopefully sell.
I did not realize how time consuming it can be when you are waiting for paint to dry.
looking around when you are hand making items you know that each items is going to be different a little.
But will it sell?
How much?
That is the question, I can not charge NMW for my work other wise some items would end up being £100.00 of pounds
So I am having to still thing about price points and how much my time is worth.
This is why so many items are made overseas in sweet shops and not in the UK where we have more employment rights to protect people.
Yet if you are self employed or an artist you are still underpaid for your experiences.
But is an artiest not like a Plastic surgeon? One paints with a brush the other with a knife
For me it should not matter what job you do you should be paid for your work experiences , not just your qualifications.
Yet due to NMW that is to protect people and help them to be tread fairly, it is used to keep people down. In 2021 very few people archive more than this due to the current economy,
Even when I looked at going back to teaching full time at my local collage I was only offered £18,000 per annum.
So when it comes to your future you need to take the time to research, adapt, plan and budget.
I have added some link(s) below that may help.
Salary checker
Income Tax Checker
UK Pay Scale
Holiday Entitlements
Becoming an Apprentices
Self Employment
Travel Costs
Benefit Support
Benefit Checker
Child Maintenance
Pension Information
Monday, 27 September 2021
Should I have the Flu Vaccination this winter?
I think this winter a lot of people are going to be asking themselves should I get the flu vaccination?
I think that before you do that just like with an vaccination you should do your research and make sure that you are fit and healthy before doing so. Also remember that some times after any new vaccination you may feel unwell.
So before making your chose I have listed some link(s) below that you may find useful and will help you to make the right chose for you; to stay safe and well this winter.
NSH Website
GovUK Website
BBC News Website
Sunday, 26 September 2021
Thursday, 23 September 2021
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Monday, 20 September 2021
The Most Misunderstood Parable (Luke 10:30–37)
Parable of the Good Samaritan Explained
Sunday, 19 September 2021
The Girl on the Train Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Emily Blunt Movie
Over the past few day I do not really know why I have been re-watching movies that have been made from books.
Maybe it is because I still have not finished my own book.??
It is strange to re-watch something, when you do you always seam to see something different. I think that when you do it is due to your age and own personal life experiences.
For 20 years onw i have been trying to finish my book, it is driving me mad!!
Every time i think I have finished it something will happen and then I stop!
I ask some one to read it and then I find myself rewriting pages over and over and voer again.
I need to stop and just get it done I just do not know how.
So I am watching a film about a "Girl on a train."
Saturday, 18 September 2021
Charity of the month
Charity of the month, is month we are going to leave it down to our followers what charity they may or may not want to donate to.
Over the years we have aimed to pick a different local charity that we advertise on our blog and also nationwide and worldwide when possible.
Over the past years a lot of local charities in your home town have closed; those that are nation wide and world wide have also struggled.
What we found is a lot of them now do not just rely on foot fall, they also have their own online shops, use social media and companies like eBay and Amazon.
So when you have time to think about supporting the wider community where you live or even people national and oversea please consider to take the time to support a charity.
This could be done in a number of ways, thinks like donating unwanted items, making gifts they could sell, buying items, raising money, volunteering your time.
One thing that we do is try to research the charity to make sure they are register and to find out where the money they receive is used for. This information should be accessible or be able to be obtained upon request.
Thank you.
GovUK Information
Managing Charity Finances
How to complain about a Charity.
Other information
How Charities work?
How are Charities Regulated
How Much Do Charities Actually Spend On Good Causes?
eBay Charity Shop Link(s)
Friday, 17 September 2021
Thursday, 16 September 2021
September 2021 Budgeting for the rest of 2021
September 2021 Budgeting for the rest of 2021
Right ok lets go.
The first thing that I have added or made sure works is the link to making a budgeting plan.
I know it may seam like the most easiest thing to do, yet it is something myself I personal struggle with.
with the changes that we are all like to face over the next few months it would not hurt to think about completing one and keeping on on file.
Most of time when I do this it is an estimated figures that I use. The fist time you do this task can be quite time consuming and taxing. Yet it can help and it also means that if you are asked for one in the future you already have on on file.
On the blog there will be an icon to click on I will check to make sure it works, it should also go to a secure sight.*
*Not all links go to what is called a secure sight so make sure you ani-virus is up to date on your device you are using.
If you any any questions then please contact me.
If you are wanting to find your on budget plans template or information there are a lot of useful details on line now, also at your local library and Citizens Advice Centre.*
*Please note that a lot of line support now days wants you to fill in an on line form. I personal would rather keep a paper copy.
September 2021 Updating My Blog
September 2021 Updating My Blog
Right before I move forward I am going to update my blog and make sure that all of the links work and are up to date.
I will also check my pages and posts to make sure that they are all working, up to date and interlink if possible.
September 2021 Mental Health "It's Time To Talk Now"
Again in the new this week and also on "loose Women" Mental Health, The NSH, GP appointments and operations have been in the new.
Personal the main issues that people are not realizing is money. We have all now been informed about this new NI Tax that will be coming in 2022.
Yet accessing any medical services is a "post code lottery."
This is why I believe that more information needs to be made public so that people can make the choices that are necessary for their own personal heath and wellbeing; to the best of their abilities.
This information may already be available I do not know, a bit like an Ofsted report for a school.
I know that some property websites can give information about what the area that you are looking to live in can offer, like schools, shops, entertainment, crime rate, I am not sure if they offer NHS service and maybe this is something that should be looked into.
The things we need to try and do for our selves are looking at
Births, Marriages and Death.
Divorce, Dementia, Death
School, collage, University
Money, savings, loans, Taxes
Health and Wealth
Employment options
Benefit options
Support Services
I have listed then like this and will look at covering them in my blog(s)
Please feel free to comment or request more information.
Also link on the link(s) that I have listed to they may help.
Remember, research is the key, ask for help and do not be afraid to except it.
Stay safe.
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
September 2021Back to school
Now that everyone should have returned to full time education what will happen?
What I have found myself is that everything seams to be going backwards, yet if we stepped into a time machine all I can see is one of two things happening.
This is why I think that films about the future and infection became so popular over the last year.
Yet the one thing that I always think about is "The Time Machine "By H.G. Wells" and the words "it's all clear."
Although I have never read the book I did see both movies.
The Time Machine is a 2002 American science fiction film loosely adapted from the 1895 novel of the same name by H. G. Wells and the screenplay of the 1960 film of the same name by David Duncan.
This book talks about the end of the world due to man reaching to far to touch the stars. Then in the future only two species of man left
One that lives above in the sun and eats, drinks, plays all day.
One below that works, designs, plans and cares for those above. Hides in the shadow and then when they need to feed on those above to survive.
They do this by using a noise that makes the Eloi to the onw basic thing that every thing thig will do, Flight or Fight.
So what the noises triggers is the flight instinct that makes the Elio hide under ground like that would have been taught to do centuries before in times of danger.
For centuries we have been taught this in may ways shapes and forms the Flight or Fight way of life and in some case we have been forced into doing one or another even if we do not wish to do so.
Flight or Flight.
The fight or flight response is a physiological response to a stimulus which our bodies consider dangerous or life-threatening. This response—also called the acute stress response—is familiar to most people as the intense feeling of anxiety, shaking, and fear that can occur when our bodies prepare for a possible emergency.
Although both genetical come from the same species homer apian they are nothing a like to to centuries of evolution and time.
So in many ways have become to separate species all together and bother dependant on each other and living a symbiotic relationship.
Symbiotic relationship
Symbiosis is a function of nature that encourages the flourishing of all life on Earth, enabling each party to sustain its own life and continue the legacy of their species through a special form of interaction. Some symbiotic relationships are only really beneficial to one party, but generally symbiosis will be mutually beneficial.
In the movies
In both films the interpretation of the movie is different yet the story line is the same. With a traveller from a different time coming teaching the Eloi that to live a different way of life that they must fight for it and want to learn to change from in way being children into adults and learning to take care of themselves.
"Not to be afraid of the dark, to change and adapted."
Yet in the more modern movie (2002) the Elio appear to be more independent and know what it is going on and except their way of life and that none are likely to live very long. They even appear to know basic literature, how to gown food, how to keep warm and stay safe at night.
He also never goes back in time. and resets up the ability to tech again with what is left of modern technology; called the Vox System.
In the 1960, they have talking rings, books that have turned to dust, food and clothing, no knowledge of fire and know that at night they must stay indoors and not go outside.
In the end he goes back in time and picks up three book to take with him to help build and change the future.
One should be asking themselves do we not already live this way?
Monday, 13 September 2021
September 2021 What now?
What will the rest of 2021 have in store for everyone?
With Covid still on the rise, was have a vaccine really just a smoke screen when the elephant was still in the room?
Just like with any war that effect human life and the economy, it goes to think that every country had its onw figure on the cost of human life. how may could each country afford to let die, how much money could they afford to lose and then make once the cost of a human life was met??
Now I live in the UK so I can only really speak about what was ultimately lost and achieved over the last two years and most of this from my own personal experience and what I have seen and heard.
So I ask myself why?
What have we learned?
What have we gained?
What have we achieved?
I believe that the answers to these questions are [personal ones that we can only ask and answer yourselves.
For me not much changed over this time frame to date and I guess the one thing that I learned it that things I not likely to in the near future either.
Yet this experience would have been different for everyone om a personal level and how we take on board what we may or may not have learned will determine the future,
So for me, my plant for the rest of this year is to live and live each day like it could be my last.
To say I Love You and try not to end the day on an argument.
Also if possible to try and save a at lest 3 months rent just in case we have another lockdown.