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Thursday, 30 January 2020

Pocus Pocus Then and Now

Golden blood

Out of the Ashes

Gisella perl

Auschwitz untold in colour 2020

Monday, 20 January 2020

Learning Computer Added Design is a MUST fro me in 2020. KABFA/DESIGNS.

Learning Computer Added Design is a MUST for me in 2020. KABFA/DESIGNS.

This now that it is 2020I am really trying to just “Bite the Bullet” and set up my own business.

So yesterday I went to the Printwear and Promotion Show at the NEC.

The moment that I arrived there it felt like home.

For year their have been a number of things that I have wanted to achieve and do with my life the main one to be self employed or freelances.

For this I even did business studies at school and set about want to become a works renowned travel journalist, who got to wrote about exotic destinations, undiscovered place, meet famous people and try something new year day of the week.

But then reality hot me and my dyslexia was to server so that I would be unable to achieve that dream.

The same with Marine and Freshwater Biology I just was never able to make the grade, pass the basic Key Skill Test requirements,

I was way 3 mark off a Pass, Merit or a Distinction.

At times I even knew more about endangered animals than the staff, writing about an animal they had even heard of and writing in big letters.



This really hurt and instead of appealing I just quit.

Quitting for my became a habit for so long, I was a afraid.

Afraid to feel anything other than fear, the “Dreamer in Me” died.

For year now I have been lost, looking for that one thing that could possible save me and bring me home.

I still write but only for myself, I no long live my life but just exist.

For years I was advised to learn CAD Computer Added Design 

which was form thing that I learned a little of at school, but been 

then I was told that my business idea to design clothing for the 

disabled especially bags was waste of time.

Yet I have always loved my business names that I invented for my dream jobs.

KABFA/Designs being the main one.

So I am going to go back to KABFA.I am going to start again.

So that everyone by 2030 knows who KABFA are and what I do.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Back to the drawing borad

Back to the drawing broad. 2020.

Now that we have reached 2020 I need to look at where I am aiming to be in the next few months. When you are at school you are asked where do you see yourself in the next 5 years which is a long way a way when you are 15.

But add 20year to that and you find that you are still living hand to mouth and relying on the bank of mum and dad if you are lucky to still have parents then you really need to look at where you need to be and how you are going to get there.

Unfortunately we still live in a society where women are second rate when it comes to job opportunities and equal pay. With men it is the pressure to succeed and are not given the same equal opportunities when it comes to things like being rehoused if they become homeless.

So where do I go from here?

First things first I need to find how much do I need per month to live on and what financial aid I am be able to claim.

Then I need to look at when I can work around my children so that I can work the same amount of hours per week.

Managing my work load will also help me to so that I can plan and mange my time more effectively.

So by the time my youngest is 2 years old I can hopefully start working full time again.

Confessions of a Shopaholic 2020

Confessions of a Shopaholic 2020

in 2009 the film “Confessions of a shopaholic” came out which is a film adaptation of the Shopaholic Book Series by Sophie Kinsella

But how many people watched the film or read the book and took a leaf from the story line and STOPPED using store cards, taking out loans, buying on HP instead of living with in your financial means?

So maybe this year is the year that you look at doing so.

Many people at this time of year always buy or get brought the same things that can help you to live more frugally and to achieve that one thing that you would like to buy or pay for in the near future.

Some people would have been given a diary, (if not you could get one in the January sales or have an online one.) you have probably even been given a self help book too.

So why not spend a few minuets thinking about.

What is it really want?

What is it that you really need?

What is it that you really desire?

On my blog you can down load a budget c=sheet to help you plan your first or several months budget to help reach that goal.

Set a time frame and pin it on the wall or fridge somewhere that you can see it every day to motivate you.

If it is something like a holiday then think about like rewards that you can buy to motivate yourself too like a new swimming outfit.

If it is to buy a new outfit, car or save for a house then again put up a picture.

Every month take a few minuets to check where you are with your goal and where you are going to keep your money too.

Are you going to keep it in a tin in the house or open a new saving account with your bank? The best way to not spend the money that you are looking at saving I find is to out it some where else and keep it separate your every day, weekly and monthly spending.

So cut up those store cards, try to lower your over draft or get an account without one. Try to set up any payment plans to settle any old or out standing debts.

(use epically certified sites to support you like debt line, CAB or GovUK website.)

Start small and dream big.

Wednesday, 1 January 2020


2nd January 2020 “Strike while the Iron is HOT”! Possible funding available for small business in the UK.

Last year I try to support a small local business to apply for funding but they has little or no success. So we will go back to the drawing board and try again.

When applying for funding it is a rally pain in the back side. Te Government advertise these things but get like trying to claim for anything you have to make sue that you “dot the i’s and cross the T's.”

You have to make sue that you business plan it water tight and clean, clear and easy to follow that a 5 year old could run your business.

When I was at school I had to do an activity called “How to make a cup of tea?” “How to make toast?” “hoe to boil and egg.”

You business plan needs to be like this.

So I have posted the link below and wish you luck and a happy new year for 2020.


Documentary on the Von Trapps