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Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Are You an Enabler and What You Can Do About It

Are You an Enabler and What You Can Do About It: Enablers suffer the effects of an addict’s behavior rather than the addict. Enabling removes those consequences for the addict.Read tips how not to enable.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Week before

Week before Nursery starts.

I can not believe that the summer holidays is almost over. And that both of my children will be off to nursery. I think to myself BREATH! 15 hours a week and no children. The only reason that this happening is due to be being able to claim the 2 year funding.

I think to myself IF I did not get the two year funding what would have done? Only my oldest would be nursery and the youngest still at home. BUT that is not bad thing, after all children grow up so fast. You blink and you miss it.

I have worked since I was 15years old so now it is time to have a break to be a mum and take care of someone other myself full time.

SO 15 hours per week what is my plan? Thinking about it, I only have 3 hours per week after dropping them off each day and waiting to pick then up to really do anything.

So I ham going to try and put a plan together and take things from there. The main thing that I would like to do is be more clutter “FREE and to remove any thing from my life that I no longer need.

I am looking at sorting out all of my books first and only keeping the ones that I love, need and are not damaged.

Since having the boys, I have read more and this is something that I love to do and wish I had more time to do.

So my first Aim is to read one book by Christmas and work on my own book to get the final prof reading over and done with.

So this weekend I will spend it with my children finish and before “nursery” shopping and get ready for the first week back.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

My Book(s)

I am so mad!! Not at other people but myself due to how long it is taking me to finish at lest one of my books! There are so many reasons I can give as to why it is not finished.

But the main one is me!

I have been writing since I was 10 and have never stooped but every time I think that I am also done and have people prof work my work. It just makes complicating it never ending.

So may be now I just say STOP! Bite the bullet after one more prof read and see what happens.

The problem is that I have the habit over over thinking things and not making sense when it comes to putting pen to paper due to having dyslexia.

It makes people laugh to read my work due to the amount of mistakes that I have made and so maybe I should write comedy

The thing is that when it is complete I know that just like me people will love or hate it. Such is life. I never really read other peoples work in fear of copy right and I tend to write about things though actually being in the moment.

That dose not mean that I am going to kill some one to know how it feels to do so. It just means that with imagination any thing is possible. But when writing about key events in history or medical research one must stick to the facts.

I ave just finished watching a few sea rise that have derived from books.

The Red Tent”
The Handmaids Tale”

All of which have been very helpful in trying to encourage me to make sure that my book dose take direction, is in order and if you go back and fourth in a time line that it makes sense. This is something that I have had a big issuer with and have been pulled up on by my “prof readers”

I have also been warned about being “PC”, but then I have to remind myself when is my book set and what would have been classed as “PC” in that time. Epically with the words and language that I use.

For example that used the word Barbecue in Outlander.

Origin off Barbecue

    Mid 17th cent.: from Spanish barbacoa, perhaps from Arawak barbacoa ‘wooden frame on posts’. The original sense was ‘wooden framework for sleeping on, or for storing meat or fish to be dried’.
Although this seams and spears to be quite a modern used word in every day language I thought that it came from Australia, but then it may have been English due to the amount of British people that where sent to Australia in the past.

With out reading the book I do not know IF this word is in there or would have been used by one of the characters. I would have to put more research into this.

This is something that I have been doing with my own book and know that things that times can and will be lost in translation and not be word perfect.

One of my main characters is from Scotland, and some of them live in France for a short time and South Africa so I have had to take into account how works may change, and ascents will very. For at times people who are Dutch sound like they may be from South Africa like people have confused Australasian accent with New Zealand.

So over this year I have taken a step back to consider these things and those programmes have helped.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Lent Blog Day Six

Lent Blog Day Six.

The last 24 hours have been very interesting and filled with mixed emotions from everyone involved. I am back on my meds and the boys almost sleep thought although Bryn is still under the weather and wanted me 247 to hold him.

Trying to de-clutter as been a great help and given us all more space to run around in doors; the garden is looking better now too. No more broken glass to cut our bare feet on in the summer. I am hoping to have a BBQ for my birthday that coincides with 1St July event that is taking place locally that I will be attending.

Callan had a good eating day and we even had time to night to go to the park and see nan. I have looked at not eating late and trying to be in bed by 22.00. Although last night I did fall down the stairs again due to still suffering with sleep derivation.

All my blood came back fine, which means that it must be sleep derivation that is effective me still physically, mentally and emotionally.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Lent Blog Day FIve

Lent Blog Day 5

Where did day 4 Go? Yesterday was Sunday and a day that I try to stay off line and be their for my children all day. Plus my youngest was unwell so I put his needs first. He is still unwell and I had to call in back up. It is nice when you count count of those around you for support and is something that not everyone as. In today’s society people are less welcoming and neighbourly.

I mean a really neighbour and not a “curtain twitcher.” Just some one that can support you in a cries and be a shoulder for you to cry on. Even with social networking this is still something that seams to be lost in translation and not on tap.

This is were at times having faith and being part of a church helps me out and makes me feel like I am not alone. It reminds me that everyone needs help for time to time. I try to use this to try and forget my problems and see how I can help other with theirs.

I always feel so guilty, ashamed and stupid when asking fro help, it is not because I am scared to or stubborn but because I feel week when I depend of the support of some else.

I am looking at working on this. Today was a good day and I played with my children and not just spent the day cleaning up the mess that they make. Bed time was still not good and had to call for help. But all tucked in bed now and I will now do the same.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017


LOOK TO THE FUTURE!  Up until today I did not not what I was going to do thought out LENT this year.

LOOK TO THE FUTURE!  Up until today I did not what I was going to do thought out LENT this year.  After my appointment with the DWP to day this is what I am going to do and trying to achieve over the next 40 days and 40 nights.

I wonder how many other people should thing about doing the same?

When I looking and thing about Lent and what it is about, one of the main things that it is about is "Forgiveness."  It is the time before Easter and when Christ died of our sins and then was born again.

Then when he was dying on cross he was to have said "forgive them farther, for they know what, what they do."

This is the same with many people though out their lives that they do what they think is the right thing to do at the time and then have to spend the rest of their life, living with their actions.

In time to forgive other becomes easier.  "forgive out trespasses as we forgive those, who trespass against us."  The hardest thing in the world is to give yourself.

It is always easier to blame others, pass the blame and to not blame your self when things go wrong.  After all no one is completely blameless, or are they?

So over the next 40 days and 40 nights I will try to forgive.  Maybe then I will feel better about myself and be able to move forward.

I am just scared to do so.

Friday, 10 February 2017

For sale

Every thing on my eBay page is going to be staring from a £1.00 with postage separate. 

I will be starting it for a month starting from midnight to night.

I am happy to arrange local collection for any items purchased.

I am happy to arrange local collection for any items purchased. with postage separate. 

The Idle Women: Recreating the Journey