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Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Getting my ducks in a row By Miss K L Slomczynski
I know I have not posted for a while due to live getting in the way.
Been trying to get all my "ducks in a row." over the past 18 months so that my children can hopefully learn and beable to take care or themselves on day.
This as not be easy or enjoyable to do, but needs must.
So will aim to achive this and take each day, by day.
Wednesday, 1 May 2024
The cost of living in 2024, By Miss Katrina L Slomczynski.
I am now in my 40's which by to days standers (2024) is still quite young.
I am still in the age bracket where I can bare a child and also work.
But if we where to look at a person in their 40's 100 years ago would the life style option have been the same?
What about 200, years ago??
Question Are we finding away of cheating death?
Again if we look at my age 40. Then look at the saying "survival of the finest."
Realistically if it was not for the advancement in medical science I would have died at the age of 31 due to child birth and so would have my son.
This would have ment that my two other children would not have been born.
My sister also would have died in childbirth so again her two child would not have been born.
My mum would have died 40's during covid 19 blood poisoning and organ failure.
My other sister would have died 20 years ago in her 20's due to epalipce.
My dad in his 40's did die brain tumor.
So the only one still alive would have been my brother.
This would mean that in 2024 just form my intermate family deaths one one.of use would still be a live instead of 10 people.
So if we where to look at this statistical 100 years ago. 1 in 5 people people would have died before they reached 40.
Most of them being female in child birth or infants.
With men less depending upon their employment options.
Also what we have to rember is in the UK 100 years ago employment law was diffrent and so was the age that children started employment.
Only the wealthy had the option to higher education and less manual employment.
If we go back 200 years then we are looking at the 2nd world war that was only 21 years at the first.
Question so is it safe to say that the cost of living is going up because people are living longer?
In my opion I would say yes.
Question is the NHS in the UK struggling and looking at becoming more privatised due to medical advancements helping to save/prolong life?
I would say yes.
Question should people if they can medical prove that they would like to refuse medical treatment and chose eithinasia be given that choice in the UK?
I personal belive the answer is yes.
I know so many people in my life over the 40 years I lived in the UK, who when just like my dad found out how sick they where do not resuscitate on their medical files.
So I have to ask the question. When we strive to safe live "play GOD." So to speak who are we saving the life of a person for?
Epically when the opocrtic oath first say "do no harm."
I am currently in.long term sick but I am also a full time care working for my disabled son. He is unable to attend full time education due to lack of funding to surport his education.
He is not disabled enough to attend an SEN school.
So he is in away having his human rights taken away from me.
The right to a full "free" UK Education. Fron the age of 2-25.
So I now take care of him and I am paid by the DWP. What they belive I can live on and what my son can live on to survive in 2024.
Whilst people are expected to work longer, retire old.
If you then reach retirement with out any illness or disablity and then congratulation!
If not and you need to pay for private health care at the moment you are looking at about £1,000 per week for adult "supported living."
Question would it not just be more human, to alow people have a form in their medical records that could be reviewed every 5 years from the age of 50, to say that if I am diagnosed with any of the following long term illness or disabilities could I please talk to a provisional about eithinasia??
I think this should be an option just like the option to be a organ donor or a blood honor should be.
After all what price do we put on life to day.
When so many people are being medicated just to they can work to survive in 2024.
But not given the right to say No, Stop, I do jot want to live any more.
Then given a human option to make the choice to continue to live with medical intervention and "Supported living." Or the choice to die peacefully and maybe the choice to help others live if they so wished it.
But to have no choice at at in 2024 how if that living?
Is'nt part are living being able to do what you want with your life?
Is'nt part of living having the right to live, and live your life with dignity and with out pain and suffering?
The choice should be for every person to make.
So maybe we need to think about who we are allowing to make the choices in the UK for us.
Instead of howling at a mountain, be the single grain of rice that might tip the scales of Justice.
BY Miss Katrina L Slomczynski. 1st May 2024.
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