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Thursday, 26 August 2021

Vampire Diaries

One of the things that I have been doing now that I have Netflixs is watching Vampire Diaries.

I was aware of this series when it first came out and like most things in life I thing that you have to be a certain age to watch them.

This series was give an age rating of 15. Due to the violence that is in ever episode and how it make death a part of every day life.

Yes there are sex related scenes again in almost every episode however they try to normalise that is ok to share partners and basically have sexual relationships with anyone that you come into contacted with.

For this reason I have have not realistic been a fan of this series.

maybe it's because I am now watching it in my late 30s and opposed to in my teens or early twenties.

it's things like this that worry me as to what we are actually teaching the future generation especially about commitment long-term partnerships monogamy as opposed to being polyamorous which has become normalised in today's society as a way of having relationships with people.

Yet if we look back through our history being polyamorous and having sexual relationships with both male and female was classed as normal and then all of a sudden society changed attitude saying that monogamy was the way to go.

Maybe the reason whymonogamy became so important was prevent things like sexually transmitted diseases and children growing up not knowing who their parents were and interbreeding.

The other thing I've noticed when watching this program is that it is a total cliche and that to be honest there is really nothing in it that has not already been done before.

I was extremely surprised that it managed to make it to eight seasons I started to find a little bit serious after season 2 but I found myself feeling obligated to see the whole series out in it's entirety before making a decision as to whether it was worthwhile watching.

When you look at heartthrobs and people that are found sexually attractive on the silver screen or even in series at the moment sorry I've been screened such as outlander I personally do not fine any of the characters or actors in in a vampire Diaries sexually attractive or playing on my heartstrings so to speak.

Is anything I find them to be like typical teenagers moody whiny highly strung emotionally charged knowing full well that everyone who is playing someone who's supposed to be 18 is more than likely closer to the age of 28.

I have found it funny at times to watch especially when they have made references to Bram Stoker's Dracula, Anne rice's an interview with a vampire, Buffy the vampire slayer, and not forgetting Twilight.

The other comment that also was made was "I am not going to compel somebody or change someone into a vampire who thinks they know everything about vampires just because they watched programmes on Netflix."

the only two times to the honest so far that brought tears to my eyes so a bit of a spoiler alert.

Was when rose died who was a vampire that knew Damon and Stefan briefly and was at least 500 years old.

When she got bitten by a werewolf basically the venom from the bite was killing her slowly.

so what damon did for her out of kindness after having sexual relations with her and it's confessing his love for Elena.

Elena being the iCandy that everyone seems to love and want to protect.

Damon manages to put rose into a dream like state where she is able to remember what it was like being human before becoming a vampire.

during this dreamlight States he enables rose to go home to be a play for young maiden full of virtue unchaste before she probably even knew anything really about love.

he plays with her compassionately by ofori chaser upper hill before he gets to count to 3 he stabs her in the heart and she dies.

afterwards being Damon he shrugs it off returning like it was nothing and that he was glad she was dead because to her when she was nothing really just another lay.

The second time that sadly brought tears to my eyes was when John Gilbert passes away.

one of the characters that pretty much throughout the series up until his death you are are not really supposed to like.

yet again I found myself cheering up when he passed away because he did the one thing that being a parent he knew that he had to do.

the one thing that he did was that he gave his life for his daughter Elena.

being a parent myself I know that that is the most selfless act that only parent can do and that is to give your life for your child.

I am now currently on I believe series 4 out of the eight so I will probably do another blog at a later time.

Saturday, 21 August 2021

When will you start doing your shopping for the Festive Holiday Season?

 When will you start doing your shopping for the Festive Holiday Season?

With summer almost over and Covid still on the rise, how many of us are now turning our attentions to shopping for the festive Holiday Season?

Before we all know it the festive adverts will be on our TV screens and we will all want to be knowing what top Christmas number one song will be for 2021.

The radio will be playing "Feed the World" and "It's Christmas!" about every 30 minuets.

IF we are lucky every wher will have their annual Christmas lights switch on and we will all be buying Mince Pies and bad woolly jumpers for men we know to wear.

So during all of this when will we look at doing our shopping ans most of all where?

Thursday, 19 August 2021



Over the next few week I will be updating this blog 

So please feel free to coment and to subscribe during this time frame.

Any questions please do not forget to contact me.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Redbubble Volksbolts and KABFA Designs

 Redbubble Volksbolts and KABFA Designs

We have been updating our Redbuble account over teh last few weeks now that now products can be designed by our staff and produced.

So if you are loking for a gift for a friend, family member, that extra person in your life and even for your self; then why not few our Redbubble Store.

For more information please contact use direct.