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Tuesday, 14 July 2020

What face mask/covering should I be buying/wearing?

What face mask/covering should I be buying/wearing?

With the changed to that are one being forces to the general public what face mask should we be all wearing with so many coming onto the market and the prices ranging from around £3.00 -£45.00.

What I have found is that the government that brought out this law but have not clearly stated what mask you should be wearing or face covering and to what standard or quality is needs to be made to.

Does this now mean that I could wear a DIY mask or do I have to buy one that is CE approved?

DO I have to wear a face mask or can I wear a scarf because I have loads of them?

Can I wear a turtle neck and use it to cove the lower part of my face?

Can I wear a bandanas?

Can I wear a Niqab, or a Burka?

Also so what about workers in the shops are they all going t be wearing face masks too?

Also who can you buy a facemask from a shop if you can not go into a shop to buy one because you are not wearing one already do you have to but them on line?

I have added some links below that I have found and I believe more clarity needs to given the general public about this. To me it just looks like and other any to milk the general public or every penny they earn and to still by mass produced tat for China and sweat shops.

Please add to it and share.

We sell face masks/covering and our designs and prices can be fround thought the link(s) below.  For more information please contact us.

Monday, 13 July 2020