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Sunday, 17 May 2020

Vintage Vanity Sets, Made in the UK

Vintage Vanity Sets, Made in the UK

Hello  good afternoon I hope that every on is safe and well.   Over that number of years I have not done much blogging and I need to update all of my blogs.

Over the last 20 years I have been trying to finish one of my many books, the one that I have been focusing on the most over the last 18 months is called Pure Light.

In all of my books I always seam to include tokens, tokens of love and affection.  One of the things that I really love is anything that is British or Made in the UK.

I love, Love Spoons, plates, pottery, furniture, clothing the list is endless.

One thing that I also love are Vanity Sets.

Being a life model I have always had to carry a Vanity Set with me to work.

I have always had a passion for them and love to learn about anything new and how things are made.

In my book Pure Light all of the women in my book are given a Vanity Set my their family members for their 16th Birthdays.

I have used this idea in my book as a way to show that the women in my book are no longer girls, but have transitioned into the second stage of their lives.  "Womanhood."

All of the Vanity sets that the women are given have been passed down from generation to generation in their families and each one tells a story.

Then for their wedding gift, they are given a second one that may have been produced around the time period of their marriage or custom made if possible.

Although my book is not a period drama of a historic story, the items that I write about and feature in my book are.

All of the photos that I am aiming to use and used in my book, I am aiming to use them from items that I own.

This includes Vanity Sets.

I have tried to do some research into Vanity Sets and have not found much about them so I will, write up my own research and add it to my blog.

At the moment the Vanity Sets that I have looked at and purchased are made of Ebony Wood and some have Silver to decorate them.

For my main character Grace I have been able to find a Vanity set made of Ebony, with Birmingham Sliver and the Initial G on almost all of the items in the Vanity Set.

I am looking at photographing these items and putting them in my book in due course, so please subscribe to my blog to find out more and to be keep up to date.

Thank you.