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Thursday, 13 June 2019

Braid (2019) REVIEW

Top Ten Modern Vampire Movies

9 "What Ifs" That Would Change Everything

Top 10 Best Jamie & Claire Moments on Outlander

Top 10 Hated Movie Characters

12 TV Shows Already Cancelled In 2019 (And Why)

Guilty Plesures

GUILTY PLESURES One of the worst things about being human for me are "GUILTY plesures" this is something that everyone as. For me it is buying box sets and then watching them as quickly has possible. I have just finished watching Outlander season 4 and I am sad that I do not live in Scotland so that I can apply to work for Stars and Outlander if a could. One of the key things for working on Outlander and apply for jobs when the advertise them is that you must live in Scotland. So I am aiming to finish my own book so that I can look at possibly making it into a tv series or a movie one day. But like any writer I love it when readers can use their own imagination when reading and allow the words to jump off the page. I must confess that I hardly read any more only to my children so when I write I try very hard (maybe) to hard to write so that people will hopefully love my work and feel some thing. But it is not easy to to having dyslixa to always make what I want to write make sense. I also tend to struggle with past, present and future tences too. E.g. she spoke , she speaks, she's spoken.

Monday, 3 June 2019


REAL Kids Who Are One In A Million | COMPILATION

Rich People Who Turned Themselves Into Cartoons

Top 10 Scary Skin Conditions That Actually Exist

10 Teenagers Who Were Sentenced To Death

The Handmaid's Tale: Season 3 Trailer (Official) • A Hulu Original

The Handmaids Tale Session Three

The Handmaids Tale  Session Three,

It is almost tie now for session three of "The Handmaids tale" and when you watch this series you really see now life was for women and how it could be again even in the UK, USA and other countries that are slowly becoming "third worlds."

It is scary to think that the UK is now punishing women who chose to have more that two children and chose to become single parents by choses and use things like IVF and Sperm donors instead of choosing marriage and then a family.

Yet in this programme they are promoting the "perfect" family unit of farther, mother and child.

Yet just like in really life women are still not treated equal in men and still have to fight for basic "human rights" and basic "human needs" to survive.