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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Lent Blog Day Six

Lent Blog Day Six.

The last 24 hours have been very interesting and filled with mixed emotions from everyone involved. I am back on my meds and the boys almost sleep thought although Bryn is still under the weather and wanted me 247 to hold him.

Trying to de-clutter as been a great help and given us all more space to run around in doors; the garden is looking better now too. No more broken glass to cut our bare feet on in the summer. I am hoping to have a BBQ for my birthday that coincides with 1St July event that is taking place locally that I will be attending.

Callan had a good eating day and we even had time to night to go to the park and see nan. I have looked at not eating late and trying to be in bed by 22.00. Although last night I did fall down the stairs again due to still suffering with sleep derivation.

All my blood came back fine, which means that it must be sleep derivation that is effective me still physically, mentally and emotionally.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Lent Blog Day FIve

Lent Blog Day 5

Where did day 4 Go? Yesterday was Sunday and a day that I try to stay off line and be their for my children all day. Plus my youngest was unwell so I put his needs first. He is still unwell and I had to call in back up. It is nice when you count count of those around you for support and is something that not everyone as. In today’s society people are less welcoming and neighbourly.

I mean a really neighbour and not a “curtain twitcher.” Just some one that can support you in a cries and be a shoulder for you to cry on. Even with social networking this is still something that seams to be lost in translation and not on tap.

This is were at times having faith and being part of a church helps me out and makes me feel like I am not alone. It reminds me that everyone needs help for time to time. I try to use this to try and forget my problems and see how I can help other with theirs.

I always feel so guilty, ashamed and stupid when asking fro help, it is not because I am scared to or stubborn but because I feel week when I depend of the support of some else.

I am looking at working on this. Today was a good day and I played with my children and not just spent the day cleaning up the mess that they make. Bed time was still not good and had to call for help. But all tucked in bed now and I will now do the same.