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Sunday, 25 December 2016

Holiday Blog

Good afternoon Morning (was going to post yesterday) and a “Happy Holidays” to my readers.

I hope that year as gone well for you and next year will be better.

So lets face it tomorrow is going to be one of the most stressful days of the year, especially of those who have chosen to cook on the day and not prep the day before.

After working in hospitality and catering for over 10 years I know how import prep is and even I fall behind now that I have two children running around all day.

So now might be the time to put the kettle on and sit down and run though my check list and see if it helps.

  1. Tea is important, you always have time for tea!
  2. STOP! Washing the clothes. If you have not done it by now leave it until after Christmas. There is nothing worse than the smell of damp laundry. So put all the dirty clothes in the laundry basket with an air freshener, put the iron away and the clothes that I dry.
  3. Find out your clothes for the morning.
  4. Put the washing machine on WITHOUT any thing in it, possible white vinegar, disinfectant or glucagon just to give it a clean and a fresh smell for when your guest are here.
  5. Now have a cup of tea!
  6. Make a list of now many people you think that you will be cooking for towmarrow and decide when is the best time to start cooking and preparing. REMEMBER the fresher the better and “IF in doubt throw it out!”
  7. Check that you have enough tables, chairs and remind people to bring a chair with them IF you need one do not feel embarrassed to ask for help if you need chairs, cups plates, etc.
  8. Think about using paper plates and plastic cups IF they can be recycled on the day.
  9. Clean as you go! Start with the kitchen and then the bathroom. They are a MUST!
  10. Have a cup of tea.
  11. If you are cooking from frozen with meat reed the instructions so that you cook it correctly to avoid food poisoning, the same when mixing any cooked and uncooked food., Meat, fish, dairy.
  12. Check who is eating what, NO you are NOT running a cafe BUT some people may have special dietary requirements or allergies so if cooking from scratch be careful and if from a box/packet keep the information to hand.

I can not think of any thing else a part from, keep places that MUST be off limits to children or pets closed off where ever possible.

Do not forget to wash your hands!

Have any area that is for children to play in and adults can talk if possible.

It is OK to ask people to take their shoes off at the door.



PS Practice safe SEX or make sure you have one more seat next year!

PPS any thing that I have for sale will be on E bay by Boxing Day.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Forget Coffins! This Company Will Swirl You Into Beautiful Glass Creations When You Die

Forget Coffins! This Company Will Swirl You Into Beautiful Glass Creations When You Die: Seattle- based company Artful Ashes is helping loved ones during the grieving process by creating unique glass memorials for those who have passed away. Through the use of art glass blowing, Artful Ashes collects one tablespoon of your loved one’s ashes to include them in a glass orb and or heart. …

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Summer 2016

At this moment in time the summer holidays have not gone how I would have liked them too.

Although I have spent every day with my children I have had an endless amount of meeting to attend and appointments.

This meant that I have not been able to do any thing "fun" with the children and staying at "home" seams to be all that we have done on a daily basis.

On occasions I have taken them to town and given them Ice Cream and Chocolate Cake.  I have also continued to take Callan Dancing and to visit the family.

But when it as come to my own "personal time" nothing seams to have been achieved.

I am hoping to review my book over the next couple of weeks and try to get the first 200 pages completed.

Friday, 1 July 2016

3 Days before my Birthday 1st July "The Battle of the Somme"

1st July 2016 "The Battle of The Somme"

Today is the First Time that I have boggled since moving house with my children and becoming a "Full-Time" "Single Mum".

But what dose that really mean?

I have not really cooked in over 4 months and used nature to inspire my cooking with the swans poking there heads onto my kitchen for a few tiny morales.

When I look over the last years of my life before my 33rd Birthday on 4th July 2016 I think of how much my children miss there farther.

With my Birthday so close this is not who I thought my life would turnout.  By now I wanted to still be a mother, it was on the cards.  But so was a career and living in Canada.  A places where I have never even visited.

BUT today I think of all of those people who lost there their fathers and prayed for them to home.  Who have lost their loves and in time will be forgotten.

It reminds me of a poem when I think of WAR and anyone who believe they could possible live forever.  I love the fact that people are remembered for the acts of courage they have shown.

I admire people who take it up them them self to try and "Make a difference"  Because deep down, will all have the ability to do this.

However in time the memories of those brave few are lost and when their four fathers have past who remember them?

"On another Note."

My children's father does not live with us and it is not because he his in the armed forces fighting for Queen and Country.  It is because we currently  live in a world where people are encouraged to be "single parents".

For almost three years we tried to stay together and raise our children as a couple BUT over the last 4 months I have done so on my own.  This means taking both my children off the water and placing them into "Bricks and Mortar"

This is due to not being able to raise my children no a narrow boat which was their home due to the way that we where being unfairly treated by Canal and River Trust.

But today I do not think about this I think about those that gave their lives in the hope of a better future.

In Nuneaton at 17.00 there will be a service for those that died on this day.  Those Miners from my Home Town Nuneaton.

Sadly I will be unable to make it due to picking up my oldest son from Nursery  at 17.30 and having to use public transport to do so.

The information about the event should hopefully be displayed on Nuneaton Memories Page on Facebook.

To night I will probable cook fish and chips, this is due to it being a "traditional" meal of Great Britain.

Once I have got organised I will try to get back to my "Towpath Cooking"  I have just started to prepare the Elderflower to make home made wines and tinchers.  This is what I miss about living on the boat being able to just wake up in the morning and steep out side my front door and be any where in the UK.

Being able to see the sun rise and sunset over the water and hear the song of bird call fill the air.

What is the future for my son(s)?  I what him to go to school but NOT to loses there heritage and grow up not knowing his farther.

This year We have faced many changes with many still to come.

I guess only time will tell.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Book Review:Women Who Run With The Wolves

Women Who Run With The Wolves: Contacting the Power..., Estes, Clarissa Pink.

I have this book for sale a classic addition on Amazon the book retails at £9.09p
Like any book that I own it as been read at some point by the owner and this previous owner highlighted parts of the book which were personal to her. 


If you are looking at buying this book, please click on the link below.


Friday, 8 January 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Happy New Year 2016

I would just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope that you all enjoyed your festive break no matter how long or short it may have been.

This Year I am aiming to get My "The Painted Vail's" blog off the ground.

I have already added a few you tube links to some of the films that I believe show how really life and relationships can be.

I think that theses films show that life is not always "A Bed of Roses" and that is is True and Fair to say that we "Really do hurt the people we love" yet if they love you they will forget you in time.  

In the words of "Love Story"; "Love is never having to say you are sorry."

But it is still nice to hear it some time to time and for one to admit that they were wrong and that mistakes were made.

I hope that the information that I provide in my blog is helpful to you and is at times Fun and Light Hearted to read.  

After all one must be able to laugh at lest once every day even if it is looking in the mirror and laughing at your self.

Epically when you opened the door to the post man to sign for a parcel still with your bed hair and PJ's on.  But it is not the more mature guy you are use to BUT a new hot fresh man...

Please enjoy.