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Saturday 21 September 2024

3 Months a head! By Miss K L Slomczynski

 3 months a head!

Again it is September and in all of the retail outlets "It's Christmas!"  Before Halloween or Bone-fire night!

Earlier in the year you could buy Easter Eggs before the date Jesus was even dead!

To me I personal feel that the magic of life is gone.

When I was a child I always looked forward to certin times of the year beacuse of the joy they would bring to me.

The opperunity to Pick your own fruit from the local Farm where you lived instead of being able to buy Strawberries all year round.

Looking forward to ice cream in the summer and now you can get it 2047 like most things in the world just by pushing a few buttons.

It is a really challange to teach the futre generation about the magic of life that had in my childhood when socail media is showing christmas products being sold in September unless you have a business that is called "The Chirstmas Store." or "Forever Fall." were every thing you sell is to celabrate a speacail time of the year 247.

So I am even finding myslef now waiting to see the first Valentines Card for 2025 and Easter Egg.

I just hope that my children do not see then first.

So over the next few months I will be bloging about what you could do with your loved ones over the next 3 months.

But on a budget due to the cost of living, it will not belong before parents start worring about the big "C" and what you buy and how much to spend.

When most children are just happy with an empty box.

So this year that about one thing, what dose it really take to make you happy and your loved ones to smile?

Friday 20 September 2024

20th September 2024 By Miss K L Slomczynski

 Oh what a day!

Oh what a week, I have had one child in sick bay and I am still home schooling my SEN son!

I was planning on doing so much over the next few days to help surport the art and media industry but will now stay home again!

So I will take this time to sort out my own health and welbeing again and get all of my ducks in a row for my PIP Tribunal I hope it happens before the end of 2024.

I will also take this time to udate my socil media profiles and decluter my life.

Fingers crossed xx

Monday 9 September 2024

Going thought all of my books and adding them to good read.

I have been going thought my book shelves again, and see what I would like to keep, sell, donate and re gift.

I try to do this every 6 months and I am aiming to to this over the next 4 weeks so that I can get more organised.